Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The door

He took a deep breath before knocking the door. He was aware how important this was. This could be the last moment of his usual life. Nothing perhaps will remain the same after the knock, he thought.A master stroke of destiny. A vanishing point! A conclusion. The search had led him to this and now he must. So he paused and he knocked.

Knock Knock Knock.
No response.
Knock Knock Knock.
No response.

He wondered, why? Is this not the right door? Has the search-the path-the journey led him to the wrong door? How could this be! So? what course to take? Go back ? Knock more ?

He was clear that he cant go back, he has come too far, and really, there is NO path that goes back. Then ? Then what, he thought?

His inner voice told, 'search a new path, try again'. And his inner voice spoke again, 'I am too fatigued to try again'. If the search-the path-the journey, had taught him anything it was, "there is nothing to be learnt from inner voice--- Inner voice is rubbish". But he knew, not through his inner voice (which he knew is useless), but somehow he knew, He knew that this was it. Call it intuition, call it instinct, call it revelation, he knew this was it, THE DOOR. But why then No answer ? Should he knock differently? He pondered and pondered and pondered. Should he wait more and then knock ? May be!

Total confusion, infinite fatigue and wringing anxiety took over him. He saw how diminutive in significance is human will, human understanding, human judgment. He needed help. Something. Something to pull him out of this rut. He began questioning all the life decisions which led him to this. Pale-jaded-torn, he held on to the knob of the door and he collapsed.

To be continued...

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