Sunday, December 30, 2007

Shri Raam Naamam

Few composers have touched my heart in the way Bhadrachal Ramdas has.
I was blessed to have colleague who introduced me to Ramadasu indirectly by reciting the famed stuti Ramachadra Mangalam. This stuti was soon then translated on stutimandal and very soon i discovered this. Enchanting music , endearing voice (BMK who else !)
and lovely words( Telegu).

The love affair with Rama and his name never ends. To bhaktaas he is the sweetest name to sing,to the inquiry minded he is the "Truth", to the vedantis he is "Tat", to yogis he is the zone where you lose yourselves (रमन्ते योगिना यस्मिन सा राम). No wonder Shiva himself said to Parvati राम राम रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे . सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं रामनाम वरानने !

If you are hungry for more, enjoy this rendition too by Prince Rama Verma (another great singer)

Friday, December 28, 2007

come to the orchard

Come to the orchard in spring
There is light and wine
And sweethearts
In the pomegranate flowers
If you do not come
These do not matter
If you do come
These do not matter

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


these dreams keep me awake
they need my open eyes

between the seeing and the not seeing
I see you.

Between the concealed and the expressed
I gaze at you.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Tulasi das in puri

What happens read here :)

jeevan ki kalika

क्षणभंगुर जीवन की कलिका
कल प्रात को जाने खिली न खिली

मलयाचल की शुची शीतल मंद
सुगंध समीर मिली न मिली

कलि काल कुठार लिए फिरता
तन नम्र है चोट झिली न झिली

ले ले हरिनाम मेरी रसना
फिर अंत समय ये मिली ना मिली

kshanbhangur jeevn ki kalika
kal praat ko jaane khili na khili

malayachal ki shuchi sheetal mand
sugandh sameer mili na mili

kali kaal kuthaar liye phirta
tan namr hai chot jhili na jhili

le le hari naam meri rasnaa
phir ant samay ye mili na mili

-any idea who composed it ?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


With the spark of your grace
and the fuel of my patience
flames rose in me
and the immolation happened.

In this fire
My everything got burned
I was happy until I realized
I remained.

Now its your turn
to keep your promise
and burn me

Let the annihilation happen.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


How does the mind become quiet?
No, I don’t agree with the question. Mind can never become quiet. This understanding that you are not the mind is fundamental to your pursuit. Mind is personified thought ensemble. Till there is mind the question of being quiet does not arise. It’s a logical absurdity. May be you wanted to ask something else !

What did I want to ask ?
Ha Ha, nothing but this. The more you become a questioner, an observer. You see the space between you and your thoughts. The more this space becomes accessible, the more conscious you become. Till now you are just an unconscious entity in the background of thought clouds. The more focused you become the more distinct becomes the gap between you and your thoughts. One fine moment you will just sink in the gap.The true “You” then shines when the gap is established between you and your thoughts.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Be the Void

Be empty like a flute
And let Him be the flautist

only when you are blank
He can pen his story
only on the vacuous
the light dawns

the secret of having
is in the renouncing
the secret of being full
is in becoming vacant

for the fulfillment
be ready to be filled and for it
be the void

Sunday, December 09, 2007


I am carrying this pain
as your gift
I dont know if it will end before I end
or I transform
Give me a shoulder or glimpse of your presence
I need strength, I need hope
As i labour to give birth to myself

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Q n A

Q: Just sitting , will it do ?
A: No, it wont because you dont have to "do" and nothing needs to be done
Q: Then?
A: Dont do! thats all!
Q: Okay, so what should i do then?
A: When there is no "do" there is no "I" :)
Q: So?
A: It just happens, Infact it is happening ha ha ha

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Sloka Ramcharitmanas

वर्णानामर्थसंघानां रसानां छन्दसामपि ।
मङ्गलानां च कर्त्तारौ वन्दे वाणीविनायकौ ॥ १ ॥

भवानीशङ्करौ वन्दे श्रद्धाविश्वासरूपिणौ ।
याभ्यां विना न पश्यन्ति सिद्धाःस्वान्तःस्थमीश्वरम् ॥ २ ॥

वन्दे बोधमयं नित्यं गुरुं शङ्कररूपिणम् ।
यमाश्रितो हि वक्रोऽपि चन्द्रः सर्वत्र वन्द्यते ॥ ३ ॥

सीतारामगुणग्रामपुण्यारण्यविहारिणौ ।
वन्दे विशुद्धविज्ञानौ कबीश्वरकपीश्वरौ ॥ ४ ॥

उद्भवस्थितिसंहारकारिणीं क्लेशहारिणीम् ।
सर्वश्रेयस्करीं सीतां नतोऽहं रामवल्लभाम् ॥ ५ ॥

यन्मायावशवर्तिं विश्वमखिलं ब्रह्मादिदेवासुरा
यत्सत्वादमृषैव भाति सकलं रज्जौ यथाहेर्भ्रमः ।
यत्पादप्लवमेकमेव हि भवाम्भोधेस्तितीर्षावतां
वन्देऽहं तमशेषकारणपरं रामाख्यमीशं हरिम् ॥ ६ ॥

नानापुराणनिगमागमसम्मतं यद्
रामायणे निगदितं क्वचिदन्यतोऽपि ।
स्वान्तःसुखाय तुलसी रघुनाथगाथा\-
भाषानिबन्धमतिमञ्जुलमातनोति ॥ ७ ॥

मूलं धर्मतरोर्विवेकजलधेः पूर्णेन्दुमानन्ददं वैराग्याम्बुजभास्करं ह्यघघनध्वान्तापहं तापहम ।
मोहाम्भोधरपूगपाटनविधौ स्वःसम्भवं शङ्करं वन्दे ब्रह्मकुलं कलंकशमनं श्रीरामभूपप्रियम ॥ १ ॥

सान्द्रानन्दपयोदसौभगतनुं पीताम्बरं सुन्दरं पाणौ बाणशरासनं कटिलसत्तूणीरभारं वरम राजीवायतलोचनं धृतजटाजूटेन संशोभितं सीतालक्ष्मणसंयुतं पथिगतं रामाभिरामं भजे ॥ २ ॥

१ ||
प्रसन्नतां या न गताभिषेकतस्तथा न मम्ले वनवासदुःखतः, मुखाम्बुजश्री रघुनन्दनस्य मे सदास्तु सा मञ्जुलमंगलप्रदा ||
२ ||
नीलाम्बुजश्यामलकोमलाङ्गं सीतासमारोपितवामभागम, पाणौ महासायकचारुचापं नमामि रामं रघुवंशनाथम ||
३ ||

कुन्देन्दीवरसुन्दरावतिबलौ विज्ञानधामावुभौ शोभाढ्यौ वरधन्विनौ श्रुतिनुतौ गोविप्रवृन्दप्रियौ, मायामानुषरूपिणौ रघुवरौ सद्धर्मवर्मौं हितौ सीतान्वेषणतत्परौ पथिगतौ भक्तिप्रदौ तौ हि नः || १ ||
ब्रह्माम्भोधिसमुद्भवं कलिमलप्रध्वंसनं चाव्ययं श्रीमच्छम्भुमुखेन्दुसुन्दरवरे संशोभितं सर्वदा, संसारामयभेषजं सुखकरं श्रीजानकीजीवनं धन्यास्ते कृतिनः पिबन्ति सततं श्रीरामनामामृतम || २ ||

शान्तं शाश्वतमप्रमेयमनघं निर्वाणशान्तिप्रदं
ब्रह्माशम्भुफणीन्द्रसेव्यमनिशं वेदांतवेद्यं विभुम् ।
रामाख्यं जगदीश्वरं सुरगुरुं मायामनुष्यं हरिं
वन्देऽहं करुणाकरं रघुवरं भूपालचूड़ामणिम् ॥ १ ॥

नान्या स्पृहा रघुपते हृदयेऽस्मदीये
सत्यं वदामि च भवानखिलान्तरात्मा ।
भक्तिं प्रयच्छ रघुपुङ्गव निर्भरां मे
कामादिदोषरहितं कुरु मानसं च ॥ २ ॥

अतुलितबलधामं हेमशैलाभदेहं
दनुजवनकृशानुं ज्ञानिनामग्रगण्यम् ।
सकलगुणनिधानं वानराणामधीशं
रघुपतिप्रियभक्तं वातजातं नमामि ॥ ३ ॥

रामं कामारिसेव्यं भवभयहरणं कालमत्तेभसिंहं योगीन्द्रं ज्ञानगम्यं गुणनिधिमजितं निर्गुणं निर्विकारम ।
मायातीतं सुरेशं खलवधनिरतं ब्रह्मवृन्दैकदेवं वन्दे कन्दावदातं सरसिजनयनं देवमुर्वीशरूपम ॥ १ ॥

शंखेन्द्वाभमतीवसुन्दरतनुं शार्दूलचर्माम्बरं कालव्यालकरालभूषणधरं गंगाशशांकप्रियम ।
काशीशं कलिकल्मषौघशमनं कल्याणकल्पद्रुमं नौमीड्यं गिरिजापतिं गुणनिधिं कन्दर्पहं शङ्करम ॥ २ ॥

यो ददाति सतां शम्भुः कैवल्यमपि दुर्लभम ।
खलानां दण्डकृद्योऽसौ शङ्करः शं तनोतु मे ॥ ३ ॥

केकीकण्ठाभनीलं सुरवरविलसद्विप्रपादाब्जचिह्नं शोभाढ्यं पीतवस्त्रं सरसिजनयनं सर्वदा सुप्रसन्नम, पाणौ नाराचचापं कपिनिकरयुतं बन्धुना सेव्यमानं नौमीड्यं जानकीशं रघुवरमनिशं पुष्पकारूढरामम ||१ ||

कोसलेन्द्रपदकञ्जमञ्जुलौ कोमलावजमहेशवन्दितौ, जानकीकरसरोजलालितौ चिन्तकस्य मनभृङ्गसड्गिनौ ||२ ||

कुन्दइन्दुदरगौरसुन्दरं अम्बिकापतिमभीष्टसिद्धिदम, कारुणीककलकञ्जलोचनं नौमि शंकरमनंगमोचनम ||३ ||