Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jo nar dukh mein dukh nahi maane

Nice, Shabad.

Jo nar dukh mein dukh nahi maane. Sukh saneh aru bhaya nahi jaake.
A being who doesnt accept grief as grief. Pleasure, attachement, fear who has neither.

Web says its by guru teg bahadur, but the 'takhallus' says its guru nanak. Shrikant Bakreji sings it well.

Here are the lyrics.

जो नर दुख में दुख नहिं मानै।
सुख सनेह अरु भय नहिं जाके, कंचन माटी जानै।।
नहिं निंदा नहिं अस्तुति जाके, लोभ-मोह अभिमाना।
हरष शोक तें रहै नियारो, नाहिं मान-अपमाना।।
आसा मनसा सकल त्यागि के, जग तें रहै निरासा।
काम, क्रोध जेहि परसे नाहीं, तेहि घट ब्रह्म निवासा।।
गुरु किरपा जेहि नर पै कीन्हीं, तिन्ह यह जुगुति पिछानी।
नानक लीन भयो गोबिंद सों, ज्यों पानी सों पानी।।


Anonymous said...

"Web says its by guru teg bahadur, but the 'takhallus' says its guru nanak."

"Bani" of all Sikh Guru's compiled in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is endorsed with Name of Guru Nanak and 9 Sikh Gurus after Guru Nanak are also addressed as second Nanak and so on. Guru Teg Bahadur was ninth Guru in this lineage and is also known as 9th Nanak.

Jagjinder said...

The takhaluss is the same for all Gurus - Nanak. This is because all Gurus had the same divine understanding, and carried the same torch of wisdom light.

rsjha said...

Great . Truth is hidden in these lines for humanity to grow. Those of us take these lines to our hearts are blessed ones.

Anonymous said...

Divine experience. No craving for worldly desires...

Unknown said...

Loved it